Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Not?

It was a pretty low-key day today. I didn't even get that many pictures.

We did have Helaman and his girlfriend, Amy, show up really early this morning (almost 4 am!). So they slept in a little bit and Alegria and I went grocery shopping.

In the afternoon, Alegria found a new toy to play with:

Amy's cell phone...or was it Helaman's?

Then as we were getting the table set up to seat all of us for dinner, as well as Abilehi and Lorelehi (who had arrived from Dallas and would be staying with Abilehi tonight), Alegria decided to play on the chair that Daddy was trying to move to the table...so he moved her along with it...why not? :)

Luckily Alegria is light enough that Daddy could do it...one day in the future, Alegria won't have the luxury of Daddy letting her ride on chairs as he's moving them!

It's too bad children grow!

After dinner we played some games, chatted, and just enjoyed each other's company.

What a relaxing evening! :)

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