Sunday, August 16, 2009

All Tangled Up

This morning I looked out the window and saw that Isis was actually using her sleeping pad! She dragged it out near one of our little trees...and laid down on it! Good girl, Isis! :)

At snack time, Alegria decided she wanted to get her own puffs out of the canister. It was a good idea...until she turned the canister upside-down! Oh well. It was cute while it lasted! (Note to self...don't give Alegria the canister!)

Alegria loves music and this little phone that Sariah gave her for her birthday plays some cute little songs. Alegria carried it around with her for a while today.

Alegria doesn't do this as often anymore, but here she is looking at the world upside-down!

Daddy's dog tags really intrigue Alegria. She just loves playing with them! She tries putting them on and sometimes succeeds...

...but other times, she gets them all tangled up around her!

Here she is showing her frustration as she tries to take the dog tags off:

Finally, I ended up helping her...and off she goes trying to put them on again! Will she ever learn? :)

Alegria talking baby talk:

Good night!

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